Welcome to The Verse thought experiment/thought exercise…

In Buddhist cosmology, there are six different realms one can exist in. These are the God, Demi-god, Human, Animal, Hungry Ghost, and Hell realms. The six realms are also used as a metaphor for the varying psychological states of the human mind.. The Verse team is creating Karma The Six Realm Game to help our community explore our “tend and befriend” instincts within game play (how can we be kinder and more prosocial). To start the conversation, we are “skinning” the six realms as a way to examine our perspectives and better understand our aversions and attachments. Skinning means interpreting the Buddhist 6 realms within modern contexts.

We want you to join us in this social activity; translating Buddhist cosmology into your unique experiences.

First the Buddhist version of the six realms



The Verse’s “Skinning The Six Realms”

Star Wars & The Six Realms.


Marvel Heroes & The Six Realms.


Stranger Things & The Six Realms.


Dragon Ballz & The Six Realms.


Student Life & The Six Realms.


Gaming & The Six Realms.
